Thank you to my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island church of Christ for your prayers, financial support and every encouragement given to me and my coworkers, God bless you in Christ dearest name.
The month of June 2018 has been very fruitful in my ministry despite challenges arising from crisis from cult boys in some part of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria which affected some part of our communities, which is triggered by political activity. We need your prayers as this crisis has affected some congregations operation in many villages of Ukanafun and Etim Ekpo area. I also sue for your prayers for our country Nigeria over many crisis in the northern part of our country. I thank God that the Oruk Anam area were we presently work to plant new churches and grow them are not affected by the crisis.
In June 2018, I preached many sermons, my WBS Evangelism Team also do a lot of evangelism campaigns and WBS seminars and God blessed our efforts with many fruits for Christ during the month. As contend in my numerous reports and photos sent to you during the month,
*Fifteen (15) Souls obeyed the gospel and was baptized into Christ during my ministry in June.
*I and my wife “Ekaette” attended a week leadership seminar at NCI, Uyo with Anthony Norwood of Henry Street Church of Christ, AL as the guest speaker, it was indeed very rewarding.
*On Monday 18, I and some of my teammates was in Ikot Ada Idem area of Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State on the referral of Mike Udam to help the brethren there set up a WBS Evangelism Team which will soon come to fruition Lord willing.
*On Saturday 23, I was at the funeral service of late Akpan Andrew Isip who was a former Dean of Nigerian Christian Bible College and Western Nigeria Christian College at his home town of Ikot Akpan Essien village, Oruk Anam Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. This is the village were I led the planting of a new congregation last year March 5, 2017.
*On Friday 29, an evaluation meeting of our World Bible School Evangelism Team (WBSET) was held to further our strategy and plans to spread the gospel of Christ in the coming months. Progress and challenges reports was shared amongst members, Songs of praises and prayers was offered unto God for using us as His vessels for the Lord kingdom.
I visited our newly planted congregations at Ikot Osute village and the Two Towns Church at Ikot Itor/Ikot Otu twice in June 2018 to encourage the churches were I preached sermons and in house to house.
Many communities in the area we are working for Christ now never heard the Gospel and are in dare need. Pray for more grace on me and my team to reach the unreached with the Word and plant congregations were they can meet to learn more about God and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth as well. Pray also for more labourers as the field is ripe for harvest.
My prayers continued daily with you and yours. God bless you.
In Christ,
Mojima Etokudo
* A total of 33 souls baptized into Christ in between April – June 2018.
* A total of 2 restoration of the erring.
* Planting of a new congregation (Two Towns Church of Christ, Ikot Itor/Ikot Otu villages on May 27,2018 which has 18 baptized members as at Sunday July 1, 2018.
Thank you for your support to achieve all these for Christ, we need more of your prayers to do more for Christ. Again, God bless you and yours in Christ precious name.
Mojima Etokudo