Greetings to you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island church of Christ, pray this mail meet you well.
The World Bible School Seminar / Evangelism which focuses on new church planting at Ata Essien Obio Akpa village and its neighboring villages between August 30, 31 and September 1, 2019 was a huge success and fruitful.
Twenty eight (28) members of our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team was in attendance and other brethren.
Series of activities on evangelism using diverse methods was used and both payoff.
We preached to the village chiefs, religious leaders, peasant farmers and all who came our way. We preached from door to door, public preaching at Market place and village square both day and night.
We requested for a place to stay during this two nights and the people were so generous to provide us with accommodation while we prepare the food we ate during this period.
Five (5) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ during the event.
* One of the converts (Ubokutom Luke) who was a denominational Preacher of the Mt. of Last Judgment Church from Ikot Anta Eneng Obom who came to the village for a visit to his denominational colleague BUT was caught by our Gospel and he was baptized into Christ after about 4 hours of teaching him the Word.
* Another convert (Akpan Monday Nnah) a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saint was also caught by our Gospel after series of searching the Scripture at about 11.00pm during our public preaching in the market place. He asked many questions and Bible answers was given, he was baptized into Christ at night.
* Sunday Nelson Akpan an elder of God’s Church denomination responded to our invitation to worship with us on Sunday and also obeyed the Gospel when I preached on the topic “GOD’S PLAN TO SAVE MAN” and baptized into Christ.
* The other two young people (Inibehe and Imo) were of the Apostolic church denomination who both obeyed the gospel.
All these newly baptized received Efik Bible and Hymnal to help their new found faith provided by the Shackle Island Church of Christ. Thank you so much for your generosity, God bless you and yours in Christ precious name.
On Sunday September 1, 2019, the first worship service was held at the public Primary School building at Ata Essien Obio Akpa village with forty two in attendance among which 30 were drawn from the village and its neighboring villages.
I preached the first sermon on the topic “GOD’S PLAN TO SAVE MAN” many questions arose from the denominational members who responded to our evangelism invitation and Bible answers was given. A Soul Obeyed the that Sunday and was baptized into Christ.
Many others promise to become part of the Church and we pray for them and others to see the light of the Gospel.
Since Ata Essien Obio Akpa village is surrounded with three other villages, we have named the local congregation as “THREE TOWN CHURCH OF CHRIST, ATA ESSIEN OBIO AKPA” so the neighboring villages can meet there for worship in Spirit and in Truth.
The villagers are very receptive with the WORD, we need more of your prayers for our team of evangelists and the newly planted church for strength to do more for Christ and His church.
Based on experience on in new church area, we will be working there for the next two or three months while searching for a Preacher who will serve there to help build up the body of Christ.
We hired a Van to help drive teammates to neighboring villages and mostly taking the new converts to River for baptism even at let night of about 11,00 pm when we preached at market place because the distance between the village and river for baptism is about 10 miles.
* We hired Public Address System to help our audio system during public preaching at Market place and village square, we also feed ourselves for the three days we work for Christ and encourage some of the evangelists with transport fare to return home.
All went well, for Him alone be praise.
Pray for me to recover from cold and malaria symptoms which affected me, and two (2) my teammates as we returned home, maybe it is caused by sleepless night, rain, mosquito bite and poor sleeping conditions.
Thank you so much for your generosity and continue Materials and Spiritual support to us to help preach Christ to the lost souls which efforts is yielding multiple fruits for Christ . God bless you and yours.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo