Greetings from your brethren here in Nigeria to you and to all our brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island church. Hope this message meet you well as the world suffers the effect of COVID – 19 pandemic. Our prayers continues with you for God’s healing, protection and grace to live for Him till the end. We need more of your prayers too.
The first quarter 2020 mission was very hectic and fruitful despite the outbreak of the COVID – 19 pandemic which affected us from March, 2020.
The effects of our Evangelism, Seminars and edification etc during the period is as follows :
Twenty seven (27) souls baptized into Christ while Four (4) erring restored to Christ. Amongst the newly baptized where 4 denominational Preachers whose One of them obeyed the Gospel with him family.
January : 13 Souls Baptized
February : 10 Souls Baptized
March.. ..: 4 Souls Baptized
The break down of congregation and Souls won for Christ :
* Ikot Odiong = 4 Souls Baptized – 1 soul Restored.
* Ikot Osute = 7 Souls Baptized
* Ikot Akpan Afaha =2 Souls Baptized
*Ikot Akpan Eyo =2 Souls Baptized – 2 Souls Restored.
*Okoyo ll = 1 Soul Baptized
*Ikot Anta Eneng Obom =3 Souls Baptized
*Ikot Akpa Nkuk = 1 Soul Baptized – 1 Restored
*Ata Essien Obio Akpa = 2 Souls Baptized
*Ikot Udo Ossiom = 1 Soul Baptized
* Ikot Unah = 1 Soul Baptized
* Ikot Oku Ibesit = 1 Soul Baptized
* Oku Abak = 2 Souls Baptized.
Five (5) Bible Seminars /Evangelism was carried out in 5 different locations during the period, Free skills, Medical services, Food for the Needy Body and Soul, Door to door Evangelism campaign and open air as well as participation at the WBS Great Workshop at Abuja etc was made possible through the support of the Shackle Island Church. It is my hope more Souls will obey and live for Christ through your generosity.
I was also among the Graduands in March with the Bachelor Degree in Biblica Studies by the SUNSET International Bible Institute, Lubbock Texas through its associate school in Nigeria the Darrell Memorial Bible Institute, Obudu. As we returned home, I worshipped at Ukpe in Ogoja the church planted during my work with Mike Udam last year and I preached the sermon.
The Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team, my wife, the church at Ikot Odiong and other local congregations associated with our labour for Christ kingdom greet you all.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo
PS. The attachment shows pictures of the March 2020 baptism at Ikot Oku Ibesit and worship at Ukpe in Ogoja, Cross River State