Greetings to you and yours in Christ precious name. Hope this report meets you well.
How are you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church doing in this trying time occasioned by Covid 19 pandemic? Our prayers continue with you all.
Following your donation of funds to help some of our needy rural areas brethren as palliative to cushion the effect of Covid 19 pandemic, and instructions. As stated in my previous email that I am making plans with food vendors so I can pay back when I receive the funds from Chad Wagner soon Lord willing , to help salvage some of our needy brethren from food shortage.
Today I took palliative purchased by your donation to the needy brethren at Church of Christ, Ikot Akpan Eyo and they received your gesture with joy praying for God’s continue blessings on you and yours.
The palliative items include:
* 5 Bags of Rice
* 4 Bags of Garri (wheat)
* 4 Carton of Noodles
* Each of the 40 beneficiaries received a token of funds to help them with other Staples.
Beneficiaries include: Needy brethren, the widows, orphans, the aged and five (5) non Christian whom one of them obeyed the gospel, details in my next email.
Again, thank you for your financial support to help provide palliative to the Needy brethren and other Staples to help cushion the effect the Covid 19 pandemic.
Details of how the funds is used will be made known when I receive all from brother Chad.
God bless you and yours for your generosity.
In Christian Love Service,
Mojima Etokudo