Seminar at Ikot Anta Eneng Obom

Greetings to you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ, pray this short report meets you well.

Day one : Today January 29,2021 during our Two days Bible Seminar /Evangelism campaigns at Church of Christ, Ikot Anta Eneng Obom in Ukanafun, God bless our efforts for Christ with Two (2) precious souls through water baptism during our door to door Evangelism. Many others promise to come tomorrow.

We are now at the open air preaching at village square, praying for more of His grace.

Pray for the newly baptized and for the laborers.

In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo

Door to door evangelism
Free medical screenings
Preaching the Gospel at a seminar session
A new sister in Christ
Mojima teaching a small group session
New sister in Christ Peace Nse
Peace receives a new Bible
Lunch time