Greetings to you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ. Thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts.
The 68th Annual Bible Lectureship of the Nigerian Christian Bible College (NCBC) Ukpom Abak Akwa Ibom State Nigeria on the theme “TIMELESS TRUTH FOR TROUBLED TIMES 1 PETER 1-5” was tremendous as participants and resource persons was drawn from USA, Tanzania and Nigeria.
I was one of the resource persons and I presented a keynote on the topic “A SURVIVAL KIT FOR TROUBLED TIMES” on day 2 while on day 4 I presented another keynote on the topic ” THE TRUTH ABOUT OUR LIFESTYLE AND THE LAST DAYS” .
It was great to work together with Chad Wagner and Henry Huffard Jnr of African School Foundation, Nashville TN, Archer Honea, and Cliff Jarell from USA, Boaz Kasiba and Joseph Hoangea of Tanzania, Biodun Owolabi of the West Nigeria Christian College, Abeokuta and Naphtali Dagasama of School of Biblical Studies, Jos Plateau State, Prof. Nkereuwem Udoka of the University of Uyo as well as the NCBC team.
The annual Lectureship with over 6000 participants witness keynote speakers on the theme and Health talk from medical personnel.
The Alumni of the 68 years old NCBC held her 2nd home coming and I was the special guest of honor, the alumni was reminded to fulfill their ministry. The Alumni president Edet William and his team honored Henry Huffard Jnr on his 72 birthday with a birthday cake, witnessed by Chad Wagner and Archer Honea.
Seventy (70) Souls Obeyed the Gospel and were baptized into Christ during this 4 day Lectureship at NCBC. Four of the newly baptized who was our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team prospects received Bibles and Hymnals.
The event climax with the matriculation and convocation of the Nigerian Christian Bible College students..
There was great fellowship as we met old and new friends.
Our Ukanafun World Bible School Evangelism Team attended with some of our prospects. Two of them were baptized into Christ at NCBC.
Many questions arose after my presentation and Bible answers was supplied.
It was a great privilege to share the gospel with such multitude through the invitation of the NCBC management and I pray for God’s continue Grace to further the Gospel more and more.
Thank you so much for your prayers and generosity, God bless you and yours in Christ Jesus name.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo