April 2023 Mission Report:
Greetings to you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ in Christ Jesus name, amen.
Thank you for your prayers and support towards our labour for Christ in His kingdom. God bless you and yours for your generosity.
As we continue our struggle with Money scarcity in our Banks and political crisis occasioned by the government bad policies, the Gospel of Christ still find her ways to the hinterland and souls are won for Christ.
* April 1, I was an officiating minister at the funeral service of our late Preacher’s wife at Udianga Enem village.
* April 2, The church of Christ, Ikot Odiong holds an indoor Bible Lecture/ Friends service, were brethren invites their friends and love one to come and here the Gospel. I Preached on the topic ” By What Authority Are You Doing This”? Many questions arose from the my teaching and Bible answers was supplied. A Soul obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ.
* April 4, Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team hold a retreat on the theme ” Recharge and Rejuvenate” 47 Evangelists labouring for Christ at WBSET was in attendance. Keynotes presentation, review of our first quarter activities and work plan was top in our agenda.
* April 9, I worshipped at church of Christ, Akpabuyo in Cross River State and I led in the Lord’s supper.
– The Church of Christ, Ata Essien Obio Akpa holds an indoor Bible Lecture and the Preacher who is our WBSET member reports that a Soul Mr Sunday Victor obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ
– The Church at Ikot Akpa Afaha during her indoor Bible Seminar record a Baptism.
April 16, The Church at Ikot Osute village record one Baptism during their follow up Evangelism.
April 22, I was the officiating minister at the funeral service of a late sister at Obong Ntak village.
April 30, I preached the sermon on the topic ” BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHERS” ” at Church of Christ, Ikot Odiong, one of our prospects who came for a free medical check-up during our Bible Seminar/Evangelism Mr Nkanang Isaac Obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ.
Pray for our plans for Christ Kingdom in May 2023.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo.
PS. Our new Bible stock just arrived, will report back when delivery is completed.