Greetings to you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ, l trust this finds you well.
The month of June 2023 was great though very hectic and challenges.
From our Bible and Hymnals stock, five (5) copies of Hymnals was given to newly baptized members at Church of Christ, Ikot Odiong received by bro Ukpono Akpan who followed up with them.
On June 9, I was a participant at the Nigerian Christian Institute, Uyo on their annual Bible Lectureship and it was impactful.
On June 10, I and some of our teammates on Evangelism campaigns and I Preached the sermon at Azuabie Church of Christ on Sunday June,11. Many responded to our message and request for further Bible study.
Our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team embark on door to door Evangelism campaigns at Church of Christ, Ikot Udo Mbang and it’s environ.
The Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team also meet for evaluation of our activities and plans to further the Gospel in our various mission areas, we also plan our work for the next quarter.
I started a Bible Tutorial center were newly baptized and some prospects come together two times a week on Tuesday and Thursday for Bible study, this is aimed at raising more Disciple makers for the white field, help some denominational church leaders whom we preached to during our Bible Seminars/Evangelism come to the knowledge of Christ and His Church. A copy of Bible was shared to each of them from our Bible stock and some Gospel materials to further their studies of God’s Word. We need your prayers in this regard.
The church at Ikot Akpan Eyo report of 3 Baptism and Bibles was given to them from our stock. See attached picture.
The church at Ikot Akpan Essien reports of One Baptism during their follow up mission in June.
My daughter “Emem” was officially admitted into the Akwa Ibom State University to study Bachelor Degree in Mass Communication for 4 years. This approval followed by a Matriculation ceremony at the University campus on June 23.
I have been invited to participate in the 2023 WBS Great Workshop in Port Harcourt, River State beginning July 26-29. The invitation is also extended to Our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team and many of them will attend the capacity building workshop Lord willing, and Evangelism campaigns in River State. We hope to meet Chad Wagner during the Great Workshop and work with him.
Please keep me and my wife Ekaette in your prayers, I had a serious typhoid fever and have spent much time visiting the Doctor, but I am getting better, my wife is still on medication, pray for complete healing.
I need your prayers for my daughter Emem as she is now in the University for God to guide her and grant her academic success that is associated with the fear of God. And may God strengthen me as parents throughout the duration of her studies and that of my other children Uduak and Ekemini.
Thank you so much for your generosity towards me, my family and our Preachers, your labour of love is a great boost to Christ Kingdom in Nigeria. God bless you and yours for kind support.
Thank you for the provision of Van to help our transportation, I will keep you posted when I get the funds and made the purchase.
Know that you and our brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church are in our prayers daily. We need your continued prayers as you do mostly now that we struggle with leadership in Nigeria were crisis and insecurity waves is affecting our existence.
Again, God bless you and yours, have a great worship today and say my hello to everyone there.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo