Greetings to you, and yours in Christ Jesus name, hope this mail finds you well. Say my hello to my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ.
The 69th Annual Bible Lectureship of the Nigerian Christian Bible College (NCBC) on the theme” HOME BOOSTER” witness about 5,000 participants and 46 Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ.
I was privilege to serve as one of the guest speakers working with Chad Wagner, Mike Udam, Dr Biodun Owolabi and others.
There was great fellowship with the the Saints.
The Alumni Association of the the premier Bible College of the Church of Christ in West Africa The Nigerian Christian Bible College (NCBC) founded in 1954 confered on me an Award of EMINENT CHRISTIAN SERVICE AWARD (ECSA) for my little effort in Evangelism and Church planting in the rural areas. It was great to be among the few. I pray for God’s grace to do more and to remain faithful till the eternal reward in Heaven which Christ the righteous judge shall give to everyone who obeyed Him.
Members of our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team was in attendance as well as our newly baptized brother (Godwin Titus Noah) who was a denominational church Pastor.
It’s been a hectic weeks and I thank God for His Grace.
Thank you so much for your generosity to me and my teammates, your kind gesture really payoff. God bless you and yours in Christ Jesus name. Amen.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo