Mojima sends…Baptisms and Bible Distribution

I have send many emails to you today in a bit to explain my mission and that of our Evangelism Team, I am sorry if this offend you, my apologies for the delay. It’s been very hectic for me. Thank you so much for your prayers and numerous support which makes our accomplishment possible. God bless you.

Attached are some photos of Baptism from our teammates and Bibles /Hymnals distribution to the newly baptized and some to the Preachers who later use for the newly baptized. God bless you for equipping our Bible stock.

We have exhausted our stock and we pray for more as this medium of Evangelism is really effective. Keep us in our prayers.

Greet my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ for preaching Christ to many in Nigeria and Africa though your generosity, your labour of love is not in vain and will be rewarded by the righteous Judge. We appreciate you for your love for the lost Souls. God bless you.

In Christian Love and Service,

Mojima Etokudo