Dear Tracey, Ken and Jordyn,
Greetings to you and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ, trust this report finds you well.
* The month of April, 2024 was supposed to be my vacation month but was still full of some activities in Christ kingdom, indeed, we have to do His will while it’s still day for the night cometh when no one can do anything. I am always excited to be found useful by the Master Jesus Christ in His kingdom.
* April 1-3, I joined other Gospel Preachers in training session at Church of Christ, Idoro Road,Uyo. Brother Mike Udam and Godwin Isaac was the lead speakers, I was privilege to be call to also add my voice as one of the officiating minister.
* April 6, I went to my village at Ikot Akpa Idem for a marriage ceremony of my family member, a young man by name Ekpuk Manasseh drew my attention and said ” I have been looking for you after listening to your preaching at market place and I have carefully followed your activities, I am convinced about the Gospel you preached, I want to be baptize” He comes along his other friends and spent sometimes talking to them, he still affirm that he wants to be baptize to be saved. I immediately put a telephone call to some of our Evangelism Teammates and they come and take him to the river and baptized him and both of them return with joy to meet with me again and we prayed together and I gave him a copy of Bible to help his new faith in Christ.
* April 7, God added Two (2) Souls through water Baptism at Church of Christ, Ikot Ibritam.
* April 8-13, I joined other Gospel Preachers on a short missionary trip to the Republic of Cameroun, the trip was aborted due to the land boarder closure by the Cameroun government. It was great to meet with some of the Camerounian Brethren at the boarder town and share with them more strategy for winning Souls to Christ.
* April 14, God added Two (2) Souls through water Baptism at Church of Christ, Ikot Itor village.
* April 19-21, Bible Seminar at Okoyo village and on Sunday worship I preached the sermon. Two (2) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ while One (1) erring Soul was restored back to the faith.
* April 28, The Church of Christ, Ikot Odiong hold a Friends and Family service were visitors are invited to hear the Gospel in our place of worship, I preached on the topic ” WORLDLINESS IN THE CHURCH” many questions arises from the topic and we give Bible answers, most of the denominational churches members in attendance, promised to visit again.
*Also, God added A Soul through water Baptism at Church of Christ,Ata Essien Obioakpa village same April 28.
* I fell sick with Malaria and Typhoid fever, I visited the Doctor and I am getting better.
* On May 9-11, Lord willing, we will be having a Bible Seminar/ Evangelism at Church of Christ, Ikot Eda, we need your prayers for successful and fruitful mission.
Upon your generosity on your donation of funds for Bibles and Hymnals purchase, while waiting for the funds, I have made an arrangement with my Bible seller who have supply 100 copies pending when I will pay to get the balance, this is a great relief as we run short of our stock. Thank you so much for your generosity, God bless you. We have started making use of the supplies.
Say my greetings to all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ, please give our love to the SISTERS CLASS. My wife Ekaette say hello to you and yours.
I need your continued prayers for both my physical health, family and our work with our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team in Christ kingdom.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo