Greetings to you both and all my brothers and sisters at the Shackle Island Church of Christ and happy New Year 2025 to you all. Trust this report finds you well.
Our Three (3) Days Bible Seminar/ Evangelism at Church of Christ, Ikot Odiong went well. The Bible Seminar and Evangelism that started with a build up on Wednesday January 8 with members of our Ukanafun WBS Evangelism Team witness visitation and Gospel Tracts distribution.
DAY 1:
On Thursday January 9, 2025, we embarked on Door to Door Evangelism during the day and Open Air Preaching at night at market place.
EFFECT: Two (2) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ, One Soul baptized during the Door to Door and another during Open Air Preaching at night.
DAY 2:
We again go on Door to Door Evangelism during the day and Open Air Preaching at night at market place.
EFFECT: Four (4) Souls obeyed the Gospel and baptized into Christ. 3 baptized during the door to door while One (1) baptized during open Air Preaching at night at market place.
DAY 3:
In the morning, we embarked on follow up and thereafter, we had indoor Bible Lecture at Church meeting hall, Ikot Odiong.
EFFECT: One (1) Soul baptized into Christ and Five (5) erring brethren were restored back to the faith.
* A total of 307 Participants attended our 3 days Bible Seminar/ Evangelism.
* A total of 193 benefited from our Free Medical Care ( Eye check, Glasses, BP Check, Blood Sugar Check, Malaria test/drug administration) etc.
* FREE feeding for both participants and those who can for free Medical Care.
* One of the those baptized came for a Free Eye check/Glass but when we preach the GOSPEL, he benefited from both sides.
* Some of the newly baptized who came from other community have been referred to a nearby congregation of the Lord’s Church.
Pray for more fruitful mission!
Pray for the newly baptized & Restored!
Pray for our other planned Bible Seminars/ Evangelism in other locations of the Lord’s Church.
Thank you so much for being a great part in our work for Christ and His Church, without you (Shackle Island Church of Christ) we will not have done the little we are doing for Christ and His Church. Again, thank you so much for your generosity, your gift of Van really payoff, God bless you.
In Christian Love and Service,
Mojima Etokudo